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Mon - Thur: 8:30a - 5:00p | Fri: 8:30a–2:00p

Eye to Eye Optometry Blog

Protect Your Eyes From The Sun

The sun emits invisible ultraviolet (UV) light rays that damage skin cells. This is one of the reasons why excess sun exposure (UV exposure) causes skin cancer. However, exposure to UV light, a source of radiation, is also harmful to the tissues in your eyes, which is why protecting your eyes from the sun is […]

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Six Causes Of Sudden Vision Loss

Sudden vision loss or blurred vision in one or both eyes is scary. Contact your optometrist immediately if this happens to you or someone you love. Your urgent care provider of choice should handle after-hours incidents. Sudden vision loss is defined as vision loss that gets notably worse in minutes or within a few days […]

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Swollen Eyes And Eyelids: Why And How To Treat Them

Spring is here, and everything is blooming and blossoming out, which means our office is flooded with calls regarding swollen eyes and eyelids. In most cases, inflamed tissue in and around the eyes is caused by allergies or the irritation caused by foreign objects. However, there are cases where eye tissue becomes infected, in which […]

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How Often Should I Schedule An Eye Exam?

Eye exam frequency varies from person to person depending on their age, health status, whether they wear glasses or not, and previous eye health history. However, as a general rule, we recommend scheduling eye exams following the guidelines set forth by the American Optometric Association (AOA). Eye Exam Frequency: What’s Best For You? Beyond the […]

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5 Reasons To Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

There is almost nothing more satisfying than a good, long, thorough eye rubbing when you have itchy or irritated eyes. However, rubbing your eyes is one of the worst things you can do. In most cases, it makes existing problems worse. In worst-case scenarios, eye rubbing causes more damage. In most cases, excessive or habitual […]

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Have You Ever Seen Floaters Or Flashes Of Light?

Have you ever looked at a blank wall or stared off into space or the sky and noticed clear-ish, random shapes “floating” by your field of vision? You blink, but they don’t go away, and they move with you as you look in other directions. Those are called floaters. While they’re normal under those circumstances, […]

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Dry Eye Symptoms And Relief

The American Optometric Association (AOA) describes dry eye as “a condition in which a person doesn't have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision.” Dry Eye Symptoms While symptoms of dry eye are uncomfortable […]

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How To Treat A Scratched Eye

Scratched eyes are common, typically the result of foreign objects getting trapped underneath an eyelid and rubbed against the surface of the eye, or objects passing across an open eye as the result of flying or windborne debris in the workplace or outdoors. While the resulting scratch can be excruciatingly painful and irritating to start, […]

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Bacterial Eye Infections: DIY Treatment Or Eye Doctor?

Did you or a family member wake up with red or goopy eyes this morning? Have itchy or stinging eyes that are getting worse instead of better, even with the use of OTC eye drops? It sounds like you might have a bacterial eye infection (bacterial conjunctivitis). Symptoms And Treatment Options For Bacterial Eye Infections […]

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10 Common Causes Of Eye Pain

Irritated, uncomfortable, or painful eyes are impossible to ignore. And, as family eye doctors, we’re glad that is the case. Eye pain and discomfort without an apparent cause, or pain/discomfort that lasts longer than a couple of days or is associated with other symptoms, should always be examined by an optometrist. 10 Reasons Your Eyes Hurt […]

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