1029 E Taft Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066
Mon - Thur: 8:30a - 5:00p | Fri: 8:30a–2:00p

Month: October 2021

How To Treat A Scratched Eye

Scratched eyes are common, typically the result of foreign objects getting trapped underneath an eyelid and rubbed against the surface of the eye, or objects passing across an open eye as the result of flying or windborne debris in the workplace or outdoors. While the resulting scratch can be excruciatingly painful and irritating to start, […]

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Bacterial Eye Infections: DIY Treatment Or Eye Doctor?

Did you or a family member wake up with red or goopy eyes this morning? Have itchy or stinging eyes that are getting worse instead of better, even with the use of OTC eye drops? It sounds like you might have a bacterial eye infection (bacterial conjunctivitis). Symptoms And Treatment Options For Bacterial Eye Infections […]

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