1029 E Taft Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066
Mon - Thur: 8:30a - 5:00p | Fri: 8:30a–2:00p

Month: February 2023

Eye Exercises To Improve Vision

Are you doing your daily eye exercise? The eyes focus by activating muscle fibers that coordinate with the optic nerve. So, using eye exercises to keep eye muscles in shape can improve vision and focus. While eye exercises are beneficial for anyone, exercising the eyes each day can improve vision for people with: Nystagmus (rapid […]

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How To Prioritize Eye And Vision Health At 50 And Beyond

Age-related vision changes are unavoidable as you age due to anatomical changes to the lens. However, the degree to which vision diminishes, or the risk of other issues affecting eye and vision health as you age, is largely under your control. Prevent Eye And Vision Health Issues As You Age They say we end our […]

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