1029 E Taft Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066
Mon - Thur: 8:30a - 5:00p | Fri: 8:30a–2:00p

Month: April 2021

Minor Eye Trauma: Examples And Treatment

The eyes are tough and they are good healers, but there are some situations that demand extra attention, support, and treatment. Minor eye trauma is one of them. Anytime you suspect there is trauma or minor injury to the eye, get on the phone and contact your optometrist. In some cases, s/he’ll provide information about […]

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Protecting Your Eyes From Snow Blindness This Winter

Telling someone not to stare at the sun is relatively easy because our eyes can’t stand to look at the sun for any length of time. However, the reflection of the sun’s UV rays from a gorgeous layer of snow is a different matter. Protect Your Eyes When Playing In the Snow We know our […]

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